Opening of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Museum-30 November 2017
The Official Opening Ceremonies for the new Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Museum was held on Wednesday, 30 November
2017 at RNC HQ. The order of events was as follows:
.Opening Remarks and Introduction of Guests by Emcee, Constable G. Georgina Short, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
.Greetings and Remarks by Chief of Police, William J. Janes
.Greetings and Remarks by Mr. James Lynch, Chair, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Museum Exhibit
. Greetings and Remarks by the Honourable Edward Roberts, Chair, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Historical Society
.Opening of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Museum Exhibit and its Presentation to the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador
.Greetings and Remarks by the Honourable Andrew Parsons, Minister, Department of Justice and Public Safety & Attorney General
.Ribbon Cutting and Photo opportunity
.Concluding Remarks by Emcee, Constable G. Georgina Short
Members of the Museum Committee
- Inspector Sue Bill-Representing Senior Management RNC
- Constable Joe Smyth-Representing the RNC Association
- Constable Georgina Short-Representing RNC
- Constable Greg Davis-Representing RNC
- Sup (Red’t) Robert Pearcey-Representing the RNC Veteran’s Association
- Sup (Ret’d) Bob Shanahan-Veterans Association
- Sgt (Ret’d) Robert Escott- Representing the RNC Veteran’s Association
- Sgt Ryan Wentzell-Representing RNC Corner Brook
- Inspector Sean Ennis-Representing RNC Labrador West
- Ms Jane Severs-Representing the Alliance of Historical Industries
- Ms Anne Chafe-Representing The Rooms
- Dep Chief (Ret’d) Gary Browne – Vice Chair
The vision of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Historical Society Museum Committee was to create an outstanding interpretive display designed to communicate the messages, stories, information and experiences of the men and women who comprised the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and the communities they served, from its inception in 1729 to the present.
Our Mission was to devise an Interpretive Plan for the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Museum/Display which blends management needs and resource considerations with visitor needs and desires, including those of our Veterans and their families, to determine the most effective way to communicate messages to identified audiences. The second phase was to implement the Interpretive Plan by recommending architecture and product development in order to enhance interpretation, education and visitor experience.